Miracle Erasmus Project

How will we ensure the quality of the project?

Ensuring efficient management and compliance of project activities by building guidelines and validation stays.


  • Signing of agreements between partners.
  • Formation of a management committee, made up of two representatives from each partner in the project.
  • Creation of a project quality assurance plan.


The project quality assurance plan will be structured in this phase and will be implemented throughout the life of the project.

Actividades 41
UManizales 6
Captura de pantalla 2024-03-03 a la(s) 9.10.57 p.m. (1)

Deliverables of this phase of work

Nuestro trabajo 1

Management guides

Financial and administrative guidelines for the correct functioning of the project.

Quality assurance plan

Guidelines and processes for quality assurance, validation stays and quality evaluation criteria.

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